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Webheads / Insights / Page 3


How Pay Per Click (PPC) Can Help Your Business

With billions of people online every day, it is no surprise that online advertising is becoming more and more popular than print advertising such as magazines, newspaper pages and large billboards. While print advertising is still useful, online advertising has some key advantages – such as allowing businesses to have more control over who sees the ads and also having more control over the budget. We believe that a targeted approach to advertising is a surer way to achieve a return on your investment and most importantly, be able to track activities that can help inform future advertising and marketing tactics. Where you can run PPC? Google is the most popular platform […]


5 Ways to Revamp Your Web Strategy

This is why our web strategy and consulting services are tailored to your business and the latest industry trends. This article will examine five ways you can revamp your web strategy. But before we do that, let’s explain web strategy and its importance. What is web strategy and why is it important? Web strategy can also be referred to as digital marketing as it pertains to all the areas of a business’s online presence and ensures that these areas work in line with the business’s goals; whether to increase sales or increase leads. Web strategy will cover areas such as custom website development and design, content management, search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click […]


Outsourcing Your Website Hosting to a Web Agency

A simple way to describe web hosting is if the website was your house, then the web hosting is the piece of land that the house sits on. All websites on the internet need web hosting; otherwise it is just a business with a name and an address – but no one can find it! If you are thinking of outsourcing your website hosting to a web agency, learn below how many of our clients have enjoyed benefits which include: Better Security – website security is essential to avoid spam and hackers, which can be very damaging to the reputation and trustworthiness of a brand and businesses. In particular, security should be […]


Get Ready for Instagram’s Shift to Video Content

Originally launched in October 2010, Instagram rapidly gained popularity with one million registered users in two months; 10 million in a year and an 1 billion by June 2018. With the growing number of users, it did not take long for many business owners to realise that they needed to be on Instagram. Thanks to the momentum of sponsored posts, in August 2014 Instagram launched business profiles and has since launched many updates that help businesses develop their social media marketing, such as the ability to run ad campaigns, set up an online shop and gather user data. Instagram announced that they had 25 million business profiles in November 2017 and there […]


Is your Business Web Brand Ready?

However, many business owners overlook a crucial area for branding: web branding. This aspect matters just as much as the physical environment and products of the business. Your audience is likely to find you online first and as the saying goes, first impressions count! With 52 seconds being a good standard for the average time a person spends on a website, you can see why the first impression really does matter in this case! Let’s imagine you have been running a large print billboard advert for months and suddenly you are gaining more visitors to your website. However, you do not seem to convert them into customers or clients. One of the […]


Is your Business Keeping up with the age of Digital Transformation?

We are living in a time where it is the norm and even expected that every business and brand has an online presence. You may have been running your business for years and never had to worry about advertising online, performing search engine optimisation (SEO) or website development. However, many businesses and brands outside of the digital space are losing business to competitors with a consistent online presence and those who are moving with the digital transformation of today. Let’s delve into some of the reasons why your business or brand should have a consistent digital presence . . . Trustworthiness Your website gains instant credibility just by having a solid online […]


Custom Shopify Website for Milroy’s

Our team jumped into action to craft a unique, speedy and responsive website for them on the new Shopify 2.0 platform. Not only were Milory’s ecstatic with the end results, we are also enamoured with the new iteration of Shopify which helped to turbocharge the brand and bring their eCommerce expectations to life. As a purveyor of alcohol with a rich heritage and history, there were certain expectations when it came to designing, deploying and overall delivering for the Milroy’s brand. We ensured to keep their well-known branding at the forefront by drawing the deep blue and gold tones from their logo across the various webpages, banners, blocks and design punctuations where […]


10 Reasons to Work with a Web Agency

While there are many web agencies out there of varying skill and size, the very nature of an agency brings with it many aspects that are idealistic to turbocharge the success of your business online. 10 Reasons to Work with a Web Agency Team When working with a web agency you get the backing of a full web agency team too. With a freelancer you are reduced to working with one single person and the extent of their skills and abilities. With a team this is the exact opposite – there are multiple teams of people who all bring their combined skills and abilities to your project. This also means that you […]


10 Things to look for when Choosing a Web Agency

Therefore you should approach the selection and decision-making process almost like an interview. What web agency is the perfect fit for you, your business and your brand? You do not want to take on board any aspect which will go against your business aims and goals – rather you should only want things that will help it to prosper and make more profits. 10 Things to Look For when Choosing a Web Agency 1. Depth of Services You should select an agency that offers a wide range of services in the overall digital marketing and website design sphere. Why? In doing so, you align yourself with an agency that is equipped with […]


Does my Business Need to be on TikTok?

Before all else, you shouldn’t use TikTok just for the sake of using it. Rather, you should carefully consider whether marketing on TikTok may help you expand your brand’s reach or raise your revenue by analysing your audience and brand identity. What are some positive signs that you should give TikTok a try? Your target audience is on the younger specturm (aged between 16 – 45). You’re looking to reach a younger audience and increase awareness of your business or brand. If your brand is highly visual. Any brand that can effectively market itself through videos (which constitute the majority of TikTok’s content) is referred to as a visual brand. Showcasing your […]