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Webheads / Insights / Page 2


NASA Chooses WordPress as Their CMS Platform: A Giant Leap in Web Development

In a world where technology and innovation drive progress, even the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has recognized the need to keep up with the times. NASA choose WordPress as their new Content Management System (CMS) platform for their official website and a shift away from their old Drupal platform. In this post, we’ll delve into why NASA made this choice and how Webheads, a leading UK web agency, can help your company harness the power of WordPress to create world-class websites and eCommerce solutions. NASA’s Bold Move to WordPress NASA’s decision to adopt WordPress as its CMS platform is not just a technological upgrade; it’s a strategic move to enhance […]


Green Web Hosting: Webheads Pioneering A Greener Digital Space

In the 21st century, it’s no longer sufficient for businesses to solely focus on the services they provide; it’s crucial to be conscious of the environmental footprint left behind. With digital technologies permeating every aspect of our lives, the onus is on industry leaders to set a responsible precedent. This is precisely where the symbiotic relationship between Webheads, a leading UK web agency, and Catalyst2, a 100% renewable powered hosting provider, comes to the fore. The Imperative Shift to Green Energy Hosting The Internet’s carbon footprint is colossal. To put it into perspective, if the Internet were a country, it would rank sixth in terms of electricity consumption. As the digital realm […]


Discover the Features of WordPress 6.3 and How Webheads Can Transform Your Online Presence

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for your business success. With the recent release of WordPress 6.3, enhancing your online presence and engaging with your clients has become easier than ever. In this post, we’ll dive into the latest features of WordPress 6.3 and explore how Webheads, a leading UK web agency, can help you make the most of this powerful platform. WordPress 6.3: What’s New? Enhanced Block Editor: WordPress 6.3 has further refined the block editor, making content creation more intuitive and providing more styling options. New block patterns and layouts offer increased flexibility, enabling you to create unique and appealing content. Improved Performance: […]


Enhance User Engagement with GSAP Animations: Webheads Leads the Way

In the increasingly competitive digital landscape, a static webpage no longer cuts it. A vibrant, interactive, and engaging website is a key differentiator in capturing your audience’s attention, and this is where GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) comes into play. GSAP animations can revolutionize your web presence, and Webheads, a leading UK web agency, has the expertise to make this possible. Why GSAP Animations? GSAP is a robust JavaScript library that breathes life into your website with high-performance animations. With GSAP, you can animate anything JavaScript can touch (CSS properties, SVG, React, Vue, WebGL, and more) in any browser. GSAP outperforms older techniques like jQuery and CSS animations with its superior speed, reliability, […]


Landing Pages Explained

What is a landing page? A landing page is your foundation and one of the most important elements of a well designed inbound strategy. Think of your it as a destination as it is where a visitor on your site arrives because they were attracted to your content, they want to sign up for your webinar, or maybe they want to engage with a salesperson. They usually include forms and your goal is to have such a compelling and enticing landing page that your visitor willingly fills out the form and provides you with their contact information in exchange for your content (guide, eBook, webinar, case study etc.) Your new lead is […]


eCommerce Websites Best Practices

These websites are suited to businesses with products to sell online and generally feature a shop front with categories and basket functions and much more features that make for an easy, friendly and fast shopping experience for users. Here we explore the eCommerce websites best practices for a successful revent stream for your business. eCommerce Websites Best Practices High-Quality Images: When it comes to these websites, we cannot stress how important it is to feature high-quality images. Your potential shoppers want to buy your product, but there are also many concerns they have with not being able to touch and smell and only being able to see the product based on content […]


Top 5 Website Design Mistakes to Avoid

As a business owner with a website, you have a lot of competition to gain your audience’s attention in such a busy online space. Here we discuss the top 5 website design mistakes to avoid when creating and representing your brand online. There are many elements to consider, from the overall design strategy to the content and everything in between. But don’t let that scare you; after all, your website is an essential tool for communicating with your target audience and generating leads. Mistake 1 – avoid too much or too little content Content is king and so many business owners make mistakes regarding website content. It is essential to strike the […]


How do I Build Content for my Website?

With this, there is placed an importance on content and the need for assistance so that you can define the best content and how to build it for your website. For your website, you must create content that informs, educates and guides your audience towards your products or services. Below are examples of pages you may need on your website and some guidelines on the type of content to include on these pages. Home Page – This can also be known as the landing page because this is typically the first page that visitors land on when they visit your website. We suggest you keep your homepage easy to understand for your […]


How To Boost Your SEO Strategy for Content

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimisation, can be a tricky digital marketing tactic because it works on the algorithm of the internet based on what people are searching. When done well it will help websites rank higher on search engines and therefore be more visible to audiences searching for particular topics, products and brands. In the world of SEO it is all about keywords, keywords and more keywords! Here we will discuss how you can use content to boost your SEO for your website and overall online strategy. Let’s begin to boost your SEO . . . Keywords – Complete keyword research and focus on long-tail keywords as well as shorter […]


Is Your Business Ready for the Mobile Apps Revolution?

These statistics show that mobile users don’t just find their devices convenient; they depend on them. Given the continued increase in dependence on mobile, it is critical to adapt business models to match key audience behaviour. If a large majority of your audience is mobile-first or mobile-only; your business should communicate with them based on their preference. We have seen a heightening in mobile applications in the entertainment and eCommerce category and even many small businesses understand the power of mobile apps. Here we will explore the mobile app revolution and what it means to a businesses like yours! Mobile Application Advantages Mobile apps can be developed with a wide range of […]