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Webheads / News / 2023: A Successful Year for Webheads
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2023: A Successful Year for Webheads

In a year marked by significant challenges across the business landscape, Webheads, a top web agency based in London, has emerged not just unscathed but remarkably triumphant. This success story is a testament to the agency's resilience, innovation, and deep commitment to its clients.

2023 saw Webheads welcome an impressive roster of nine new clients, adding to its already diverse and impressive web portfolio. These new partnerships include notable names such as Adaptive Aeron, Eldens, EPS , Evoson (both launching in 2024), Exagen, Forsite, Kerong Lee, Stars Yachting, and TradeStation International (another new launch for 2024). This expansion underscores the agency’s unwavering dedication to delivering top-notch web solutions across various industries.

But the story of Webheads is not just about new beginnings. It’s equally about enduring relationships. The agency continues to serve clients who have been with them since their early days in 1994, a remarkable journey that started with the likes of Senzati founder Dave Clark. These long-standing partnerships are a shining example of Webheads’ ability to evolve and grow alongside its clients.

JM Littman, Webheads CEO, expressed heartfelt gratitude to their clients: “It’s not just about business. It’s about the fantastic journey we embark on with our clients. To support them, watch them grow, and be part of their success is incredibly rewarding.”

As 2023 comes to a close, I’d like to thank all our fantastic team and we look forward to the future with optimism and excitement. The agency is poised to continue its trajectory of growth and success, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to welcome new clients while nurturing its existing relationships in 2024.

In the spirit of the holiday season, Webheads extends warm season’s greetings and wishes for a happy new year to all its clients, partners, and the larger community. As a note to their clients and partners, Webheads’ offices will be closed for the holiday season, allowing their team to recharge and return in the new year with renewed vigour and creativity.

This year has indeed been a hallmark of success for Webheads, and the future looks brighter than ever for this dynamic London web agency.

Our offices will be closed from 3:30pm (GMT) on the 22nd and we will re-open on Tuesday January 2nd.

During these times, critical and hosting support will be available. If you have any urgent issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thanks again for being a part of our year. We can’t wait to get back to work and make 2024 even better.

Take care and have a fantastic holiday season!

Best regards
Team Webheads

Support +44 (0) 207 287 7060


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