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Webheads / Our work / eCommerce solutions

eCommerce solutions

Webheads is a leading eCommerce web agency specialising in affordable eCommerce solutions

There’s a lot more to e-commerce than on-screen shopping carts and if it’s designed properly an online system can make buying your products an easy and satisfying experience. Any successful online store also needs to effectively promote their website, so an integrated online promotion campaign is vital to attract new customers.

All our eCommerce systems are fully content managed, allowing full control to add products and content to the website. The systems are fire-walled and administration access is limited to the data centres where they are located and our own offices. All our sites meet PCI Data Security Standards as specified by VISA, MasterCard & AMEX Data Protection Programs.

Braintree PartnerCommidea PartnerOpayo Partner

Webheads is a Partner of Commidea and Sage Pay Online Credit Card Processing Systems. Each has their own benefits depending on the size of your organisation and also the value of the transactions that you will be processing. We can also integrate into your preferred payment gateway, such as Barclays ePDQ, HSBC Secure E-Payment Service, PayPal, WorldPay and Google.

If you’d like to talk to us about any of the work we’ve done for our clients please call 020 7287 7060 or email us and we’ll be happy to tell you more.