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Faithful + Gould Web Agency
Webheads / Portfolio / Faithful+Gould


The bespoke website design we created for Faithful + Gould showcases how our skills and expertise can be availed of by massive corporations.


“This was a massive undertaking by the Webheads team. The old Faithful+Gould website was torn up and their team created a new web strategy, web design, provided web content and copywriting and whilst keeping to the very tight SNC Lavalin Group brand guidelines. Completing the project within the 6 month timeline and on budget. An amazing job. Well done Team Webheads!”

They are a huge global company and part of the SNC-Lavalin Group with billions of annual turnover. Specialising in project and programme consultancy and management, they boast offices in 55 countries across the world. So as you can see, the project required a completely bespoke build to be attuned to their needs and objectives on a global scale.

Keeping with the ‘global’ aspect of the brand, the final design needed to support multiple languages to cater to a worldwide audience and the locations the company deals with. As such we carefully studied and worked with their group and brand guidelines and successfully forged a unique online identity and aesthetic for them – all while keeping on brand and never straying too far from the original values and ethos which helped build the company to what it is today. We also completed all of the copywriting for this custom Wordpress website build as our team can help with every aspect of your website design (both from a creative and technical point of view).

Taking eight months in total (all of our websites are delivered both on time and on budget), we demonstrated a high level of flexibility and adaptability with this project. With any custom website design there can be some back and forth and tweaks that need to be implemented along the way. So when Faithful + Gould changed their mind on some aspects or needed to alter aspects during the website build; our team were always ready and able to adapt and implement these changes. After all, your custom business website becomes a live entity online once it is launched and so we always understand and incorporate the changes that such an entity can require to survive and thrive online.

Built to confirm with their global compliance and branding at the forefront, the website performed beautifully on both desktop and mobile devices – regardless of the operating system or internet browser it interacted with. This is true of all of the websites that we here at Webheads build as we understand the modern needs of today and only ever provide our clients with the absolute best and industry-standard as a leading London based web agency. Slick, speedy and stunning it’s design and user experience (UX), the custom website design we deployed for Faithful + Gould is another stellar example of Webheads can turbocharge your brand online.

We'd love to talk to you more about your project

So give us a call on 0207 287 7060 or email, or complete the form below.