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Free Web Consultancy
Webheads / Portfolio / Department For Opportunities

Department For Opportunities

Founded by the Social Mobility Foundation, the Department for Opportunities wants to give everyone the opportunity to reach their potential. Working to fight elitism, foster equality and overall to help people move upwards in terms of social mobility; it is a charity which knows its focus and actively works towards achieving it.

  • Web Branding
  • Online Strategy
  • WordPress
  • Social Media Campaign

Looking to cater to both individuals looking to avail of opportunities and employers willing to provide these opportunities; their responsive website had two distinct target audiences to cater to. As such, the home page acted as a landing page with two simple options for visitors to click – an arrow to the left to click / tap if they were an employer and an arrow to the tight to click / tap if they were seeking opportunities. Those seeking opportunities were then greeted by a page filled with resources and case studies; therefore showing what was possible (case studies) and how the Department of Opportunities could help (resources). For employers, their section included a six-step process to finding and hiring new talent, a downloadable employer toolkit and more.

The custom website made use of a vibrant and energetic colour scheme such as green, pink and yellow while the layout presented a more unique style with blocks in different places (not all in line) and seamless transitions of one page section to another (quite reminiscent of classic one page websites).

Designed to be mobile responsive and work on all device types, the hamburger menu also suited the desktop version of the website perfectly and so this remains another consistent design motif that the website retains on all device types. The footer remained simple but effective as it showcased links to the privacy and cookie policies, registered charity number and official social media links.

A great combination of creativity and charity, the custom website design was a resounding success that managed to cater to two very different target audiences in the once space. By combining our expert Webheads user experience (UX) with proper and professional website design, we create websites that work on all levels – always on time and on budget.

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