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Webheads / Portfolio / Heathrow Express API

Heathrow Express API

Webheads worked with the popular Heathrow Express on application programme interface (API) implementation for their website. Being a private rail service that operates 150 times a day and carries 17,000 passengers per day on average; their website needed to both display and process a huge amount of information. We worked on their ticket system to ensure it was always accurate and up-to-date to handle requests and purchases at any time.

Offering both a Heathrow to Paddington and Paddington to Heathrow train service, website visitors are presented with a range of options when going to book tickets online. Firstly, they need to pick their date of travel using the online form. As such, our API work built a bridge between this online form and the Heathrow Express calendar software to display to the website user as to what dates were available. Likewise it was responsive and reactive in that it would not let tickets be booked on certain dates. If there was Network Rail improvement work underway on certain dates for example, the data would be fed into the form (through the API) so that tickets could not be booked.

Likewise there were differing prices for both adult and children tickets. These factored into the information that the Heathrow Express website fed to its visitors by displaying the appropriate prices on top of the date availability as mentioned previously. If visitors have either a promotional code or a railcard, they are given the option to enter it at the form – thus enabling a further layer of price points and options as applicable.

As you can see, the Heathrow Express ticket booking form had to juggle a complex amount of differing dates, price points and promotional discounts. Our expert implementation of APIs enabled this to be possible, ensuring that the correct information pulled through to the correct places and sections.

Our API work keeps the Heathrow Express service proficient and reliable online – adding to the reputation of both their business website and business overall. Webheads wield expert proficiency with application programme interface (API) endeavours and can apply these skills to greatly assist and turbocharge your business.

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