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Webheads / About us / Key People

Key People

Any good business relies on a good team and here at Webheads we have a great team with a huge depth of web experience.

JM Littman – New Media Director

Hailing from a background in music PR & Marketing and working for the likes of Elton John to Guns ‘n’ Roses, certainly has given Webheads a firm marketing and business foundation and a little bit of a rock ‘n’ roll attitude. “We’re a company driven by marketing requirements not by techies and IT people.” says JM, “‘Web Marketing’ is at the core of Webheads – this goes far beyond simply building websites, pace and a first-to-market mentality is an integral part of what we do”

Clive – Creative & Brand Strategist

Clive Morris has spent over 25 years working for leading advertising agencies, both in South Africa and the UK, initially as a copywriter, but latterly as a creative director and brand strategist. Working with a selection of clients from automotive to financial services, he has helped develop many high profile brands and campaigns for names such as Nissan, Budget Rent-a-Car, Investec, NatWest and Kuehne + Nagel. Clive holds a BA in Social Anthropology from the University of Witwatersrand (Johannesburg).

Tony – Senior Designer

Having graduated from Middlesex University in 1993, Tony has gone on to work with some of the worlds biggest brands. He won a PR Week Award with McDonalds and a CiB award for his work with Eurostar. With a passion for all things design, whether in print or online, Tony’s work covers everything from the corporate world to the high street and everything thing in between. “Design is as much about what you leave out as what you put in,” says Tony, “I believe design should communicate and not just decorate”

Eddie – Database Guru

Eddie graduated from the University of Leicester in 1995 with a degree in Astrophysics. He has a keen interest in science, technology, space exploration, astronomy and computing. Eddie specialises in Linux/Free BSD server configuration (including Apache, PHP, MySQL, Sendmail, SpamAssassin, ClamAV), PHP and PERL scripting for bespoke web application development.

Cassie – Social Media Guru

Cassie has worked for a number of renowned organisations including CNET networks, Reed Business Information systems and Mindshare Worldwide. She has gained a solid background in information technology, online marketing and digital media and communications. Cassandra’s specialties include digital strategy, social media and search engine marketing. She has worked on several high profile blue chip client accounts such as Unilever, Jaguar, Mazda, Ford, Volvo, SAP, Bayer, HSBC, KFC, Nestle and Kraft.

Tonya – Web Designer & CSS Specialist

Tonya graduated from the University of Sunderland in 2002, with an academy award and 1st Class honours degree in Interactive Media (BA). Tri-lingual in English, Spanish and Catalan having grown up in Mallorca, Spain, she still has a keen interest in travelling back to Spain and other new places whenever the opportunity arises! She specialises in Web design and layout development to all the latest Cross browser/Accessibility standards along with a little programming here and there. Also loves trying new restaurants and retro bars in her spare time.

Eliot – Developer

Eliot will add something interesting to say about himself – but in the meantime he speaks Swedish, which has already proved useful with Russell Finex’s Swedish language site (Being the second Swedish speaker in the office, we’re beginning to wonder if this is some type of second Viking invasion?)

Rob – Developer

Rob’s a self taught web/graphic designer who has a passion for new media and art. He’s a very creative person with a passion for cutting-edge online design. HTML 5, CSS3, JQuery, PHP and MySQL are his areas of expertise and well as been an excellent Axe man!

Ian – Creative Multimedia

Ian graduated from Staffordshire University in 1989, after winning a Guardian Media Award for magazine design; the Terrence Higgins Trust used his video projects as part of their AIDS awareness campaign. Since then Ian has worked as Creative Director in the fields of games, web, publishing and multimedia. He joined Webheads in 2002, specialising in Flash and web design. Not one to build up his own part, when asked what he does he usually replies, “I draw pictures and make things look whizzy”. Plays the drums, guitar and sings badly when drunk.

Tasha – HTML Webmaster

Tasha has almost 10 years experience in the web industry, acting as the main webmaster to ensure that all our websites are running super smooth and ensuring that all updates/changes are done for all our clients. No matter how tricky or tight the deadline is Tasha is always there to meet it. Keen interest in painting as well as photography so any spare time is spent off being creative with her new Canon camera trying to capture that perfect shot!

Erica – Office Manager

Erica tries to bring her Swedish calm and displine to the office and sometimes she even succeeds! With experience across many sectors, she is a key member of the Webheads team and she brings us Swedish treats when we’ve been good.